How To Change Ring Doorbell Sound

If you’re looking for a way to add some personalization to your home, have you considered changing the sound of your Ring Doorbell? 

How To Change Ring Doorbell Sound

This article will show you how to easily customize the sound of your ring doorbell and make it unique to your home. You’ll learn how to access and change the sound settings in the Ring app, as well as how to choose from a variety of sound options.

The Best Ways To Change Your Ring Doorbell Sound

The outside Ring doorbell sound is a distinct chime that can provide an unexpected greeting to those who approach your door. 

When the doorbell is initially set up, it generally runs at maximum volume, 100%. This level of intensity can be startling to some guests and can immediately signal a lack of hospitality. 

Fortunately, you can adjust the volume of this signal to customize your greeting experience beyond the default sound.

You’re even able to tailor the external Ring doorbell sound based on holidays or special events; enabling it to match your festive moods and more effectively announce guests when they arrive to join in the celebration. 

Whether it’s Halloween coming around, or 4th of July parties; you’re able to configure the outdoor ring chime with minimal effort so that it stands out above all else and encapsulates everyone in your joyous spirit!

External Echo Sounds

The first option for changing the sound of your Ring-style doorbell is to use an external Echo device. With this process, you can turn the existing doorbell sound off completely and plug your Echo into any outside available socket. 

This works well if you have a porch to protect your Echo from rain, snow, or other inclement weather. Plus, with additional cameras, no one would be able to easily steal it either. 

Once your Echo has been plugged in and ready to go, make sure that it’s set up to play the type of chime sound that you want when your doorbell rings.

One great thing about using an external Echo device to change the sound of your Ring Doorbell is that there are quite a few different doorbell sounds available.

With a little bit of patience and dedication, you too can give your ring doorbell its own unique chime! 

Echo Custom Alexa

Using an Echo Alexa device is a great way to get more creative with the sound of your doorbell. Using your Alexa app, setting up a custom routine that will play whenever your doorbell is pressed can be done. 

With this setup, you’re no longer restricted to the standard pre-set chime. You can now choose from a wide range of audio options. 

Ultimately, the option of creating custom Alexa routines provides endless possibilities for changing and personalizing your doorbell sound.

You can choose whichever music or sounds best fit your style and will give off the vibe you desire when someone appears at your front doorstep.

How To Change Ring Doorbell Sound

Using Ring Chimes

Using Ring Chimes to change the sound of your doorbell is an interesting option, as the first-generation chimes offer 15 different customizable sounds, while the second-generation chimes offer 30+ options. 

This allows you to choose a ringtone that fits not only your home but particular holidays like Christmas or Halloween. To make use of this option, you’ll need an outdoor-style socket that is mounted in a safe spot that won’t be easily stolen or get wet.

The advantage to using a Ring Chime instead of relying on a standard bell sound that is single-toned from the Ring doorbell is obvious – you can play many more melodies than just one! 

However, it’s worth noting that some people may find it difficult trying to pick compatible tones for special holidays, so if going down this route for occasions like Christmas or possibly Halloween then you may want to be particularly selective about your sound choice.

Wiring Up External Doorbell Chimes

The idea of wiring an external chime as a way of changing the sound of your doorbell is an interesting and creative solution to the problem. 

Doorbells are already equipped with sound, so leveraging them instead of investing in a new device is both economical and efficient. 

If you took down your old wall-mounted doorbell chime unit during the installation of your Ring Doorbell but decide to reinstall it outside, you can set up the doorbell to play through this chime unit from your settings. 

Overall, wiring up an external doorbell chime is a great resourceful hack that lets people get more value out of their existing resources while also giving them more control over how they want their Ring system to run.

How Can You Turn The Volume Down?

The Ring doorbell is a great way to ensure you are always aware when someone is approaching your home. Unfortunately, with its loud chiming sound, the ringing doorbell can be extremely unpleasant and startling if it’s set at full volume. 

Fortunately, it is easy to lower the volume level on your Ring Doorbell to ensure you and your guests aren’t caught off-guard by the loud ringing sound.

To reduce the volume of your Ring doorbell, open the Ring app on your phone. Select the Ring Doorbell device within the app, and you will see a list of options available for configuration. 

Scroll down until you find “Configuration Options” and select that option.

You will then see an option where you can adjust the volume of your Ring doorbell from low to high; simply choose whichever level suits you best and click save to confirm any changes made. 

Once done, you have successfully reduced the ring doorbell volume levels.

Final Thoughts

Changing the sound of your Ring doorbell is an easy and creative way to personalize your home. With options such as custom Alexa routines, Ring Chimes, and external doorbell chimes, you can choose whatever sound best fits your style. 

Additionally, it’s also possible to adjust the volume of your Ring Doorbell if it’s too loud or startling. With these tips in mind, you can now find the perfect sound for your home.

Luke Miller

Luke Miller is a writer, real estate professional, rental property investor, and home renovation enthusiast based in Phoenix, Arizona. He grew up in Iowa in a self-sufficient household where he learned the skills to do everything from plumbing, drywall, to basic handyman repair for everyday problems. He enjoys sharing his vast experience and his continuous learning with fellow DIY enthusiasts.

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